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Friday, September 9, 2022

Fructose, Uric Acid Culprits In Diabetes, Obesity

And if you modify the insulin signaling in a more favorable way, improve insulin sensitivity, that can go a long ways towards improving things. So then maybe you get the meat you want and a little bit of beer, but then you have to be careful in some of the other areas. There’s so many different factors, it’s possible that parasitic infections may actually mitigate some amount of cardiovascular disease risk. Not to say that everybody does well with fruit, but just metabolically, they’re not the same thing.

Fructose is a major component of added sugars and is distinct from other sugars in its ability to cause intracellular ATP depletion, nucleotide turnover, and the generation of uric acid. In this article, we revisit the hypothesis that it is this unique aspect of fructose metabolism that accounts for why fructose intake increases the risk for metabolic syndrome. Recent studies show that fructose-induced uric acid generation causes mitochondrial oxidative stress that stimulates fat accumulation independent of excessive caloric intake. These studies challenge the long-standing dogma that “a calorie is just a calorie” and suggest that the metabolic effects of food may matter as much as its energy content.

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The mechanisms by which fructose and glucose differentially regulate appetite and feeding behavior remain to be determined. In the future, it will be interesting to determine whether variability in the expression or function of GLUT5 or its regulatory factors contributes to the variability in fructose absorption in humans. Real-time continuous glucose monitoring looks deeper than simple calorie models to help us understand weight loss. fructose changes cellular metabolic pathways to promote inflammation, which can damage cells and tissue and may affect the immune system’s ability to fight off certain infections. Here, we unpack what we know about how fructose impacts the body and why it’s best avoided in your diet, especially as an added sweetener of any kind .

After ingestion, sucrose is degraded in the gut by sucrase, releasing free fructose and glucose that are then absorbed. HFCS consists of free fructose and glucose mixed in a variety of concentrations, but most commonly as 55% fructose and 45% glucose. In the United States, HFCS and sucrose are the major source of fructose in the diet, and HFCS is often a major ingredient in soft drinks, pastries, desserts, and various processed foods. When ATP is consumed, adenosine monophosphate accumulates and stimulates ATP deaminase, which then triggers the production of uric acid, which can induce the accumulation of triglycerides. Therefore, the lipogenic characteristics of fructose, in association with the ability to induce ATP depletion and uric acid generation, are largely responsible for HFCS role in inducing metabolic syndrome (Johnson et al., 2013). Cicero A.F., Rosticci M., Fogacci F., Grandi E., D’Addato S., Borghi C. High serum uric acid is associated to poorly controlled blood pressure and higher arterial stiffness in hypertensive subjects.

Ii Unique Characteristics Of Fructose Metabolism

As a net result, intracellular ATP levels decrease and AMP levels increase, which also leads to increased inosine monophosphate levels. Elevated AMP and IMP levels activate catabolic pathways, which leads to increased uric acid production. Interference with fructose transport at the GLUT transporter level diminishes the availability of fructose. Due to their hydrophilic nature, sugars must first traverse lipid bilayer membranes via carrier-mediated transport mechanisms. Expression of SGLT proteins is restricted to the gut and kidney, where their role is energy-dependent reabsorption of glucose from lumen. The GLUT transporter family comprises 13 members that exhibit tissue distribution, substrate specificity, and transport kinetics that reflect their physiologic role.

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Carbohydrates such as bread, pizza, and pasta do not increase uric acid levels. Alcohol (but beer in particular more so than other types of alcohol), organ meets (liver, kidney, etc), and seafood (notably shellfish) can increase uric acid levels.

Rodents have lower serum uric acid than humans due to the presence of uricase in their liver, and hence show a lesser rise in serum uric acid in response to fructose. Nevertheless, lowering uric acid has also been found to block the development of hepatic steatosis in fructose-fed rats. Lowering uric acid also reduces hepatic steatosis in the desert gerbil , in alcoholic fatty liver , and in the Pound mouse . These studies supported the tight association of hyperuricemia with fatty liver; prospective studies have also reported that an elevated uric acid independently predicts the development of NAFLD.

The epidemic secular trend of obesity in recent years has also coincided with the increasing use of HFCS in beverages . Experimental studies in animal models and from short-term feeding trials among humans have suggested that higher fructose intake contributes to insulin resistance, impaired glucose tolerance, and hyperinsulinemia . Furthermore, prospective studies have reported that soft drink consumption is associated with increased risk of obesity, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes . A meta-analysis based on 310,819 participants from 11 studies has also concluded that consumption of soft drinks was associated with the development of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes . Nevertheless, these epidemiologic studies did not include the specific effects of the fructose nutrient.

Soft drink consumption and risk of developing cardiometabolic risk factors and the metabolic syndrome in middle-aged adults in the community. High-normal serum uric acid is associated with impaired glomerular filtration rate in nonproteinuric patients with type 1 diabetes. Intake of added sugar and sugar-sweetened drink and serum uric acid concentration in US men and women. Serum uric acid, inorganic phosphorus, and glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase and blood pressure in carbohydrate-sensitive adults consuming three different levels of sucrose. Thus, reducing fructose or lowering uric acid might be expected to provide some benefits once insulin resistance and diabetes develop but may not be able to fully reverse these conditions. 110) reported that xanthine oxidoreductase knockout mice fail to become fat due to a defect in adipogenesis.

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Fasting has been reported to increase uric acid in the literature. Gumaa et al. reported the linear increase of serum uric acid level with the duration of Ramadan fast among 16 volunteers [18]. Runcie and Thomson also found the occurrence of hyperuricemia in 42 obese patients treated with total fasting [19].

Increased production of uric acid is the result of interference, by a product of fructose metabolism, in purine metabolism. This interference has a dual action, both increasing the conversion of ATP to inosine and hence uric acid and increasing the synthesis of purine. Fructose also inhibits the excretion of uric acid, apparently by competing with uric acid for access to the transport protein SLC2A9.

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Thus, in the setting of uncontrolled diabetes, the liver may aberrantly sense hyperglycemia as a state of increased sugar consumption. Understanding the metabolic effects of hepatic “sugar sensing” may be of consequence for understanding the pathophysiology of diabetes and hyperglycemia. Here we will review the biochemistry and molecular genetics of fructose metabolism as well as potential mechanisms by which excessive fructose consumption contributes to cardiometabolic disease. We hope that lessons learned from improved understanding of fructose metabolism and fructose-induced cardiometabolic risk may also apply to other forms of diet-induced and genetically induced metabolic disease. So what’s going on in the body that leads to such different effects from glucose and fructose intake?

fructose uric acid

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