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Monday, October 31, 2022

Is There A Link Between Gout And Diabetes?

Wounds that Don't Heal Need to be Checked Your feet are covered a good part of the day. If you are diabetic, periodic screening is important for good health. Numbness is often another sign of diabetic foot and can mask a sore or wound.

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Using a large cohort of patients who had gout, diabetes, both, or neither, we investigated whether gout was a risk equivalent for incident MI and stroke, similar to diabetes. We used a systematic approach to address this by analyzing a large U.S. sample and comparing patients with diabetes and gout, patients with only gout, and those with only diabetes. On one hand, our findings indicate that gout was a cerebrovascular risk factor equivalent, similar to diabetes, for stroke.

gout and diabetes

Indeed, the DASH diet is in essence a diet low in fructose from added sugars . Gout is painful form of arthritis caused by a buildup of uric acid in the bloodstream. It most commonly attacks the big toe, leading to inflammation, swelling, and stiffness. People with diabetes have a higher likelihood of developing gout. Some research suggests that gout may increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

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Award-winning science journalist Gary Taubes wrote a comprehensive bit on gout and what may cause it. He notes that gout cases may have doubled in just the last 25 years, rising dramatically alongside obesity rates. Neighbors react after four people shot in Monticello home by Claire Kreuz / Jun 24, 2021 MONTICELLO, Ark. -- Monticello police are investigating after they said four people were shot Thursday afternoon. Police said they believe the shooting is related to a domestic incident. As a partner, you will help the Arthritis Foundation provide life-changing resources, science, advocacy and community connections for people with arthritis, the nations leading cause of disability. Every gift to the Arthritis Foundation will help people with arthritis across the U.S. live their best life.

How Do I Avoid Fructose?

If you believe you’re at risk for gout or have had episodes of gout in the past, talk with your healthcare provider about medicines, and steps that you can take to lower your risk. While gout can be treated, it’s best to try and avoid getting gout in the first place. If you already have gout, these changes can lower your chances of a flare-up. The PERL study, led by Boston-based Joslin Diabetes Center, the world’s largest diabetes research center, is supported by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, part of the NIH, and JDRF.

Again, the design of the study would not be expected to show a rise in uric acid because the initial rise in uric acid is transient and occurs within minutes of the ingestion of fructose. However, as mentioned, there is some evidence that over time continued ingestion of fructose will result in chronic elevations of uric acid. A meta-analysis recently reported that fructose intake does not cause weight gain compared with other sugars in short-term studies if both groups are given the same number of total calories .

All About Gout

High-fat meals also contribute to obesity, which is linked to gout. Red meat , fatty fish and seafood are associated with increased risk of gout. These foods have high water content, which helps prevent uric acid crystals from forming.

Another study reported that lowering uric acid improves HbA1c levels in normotensive diabetic subjects . Clearly, more studies are indicated before any definitive conclusions can be made with regards to the benefit of lowering uric acid for the treatment of insulin resistance. Rodents have lower serum uric acid than humans due to the presence of uricase in their liver, and hence show a lesser rise in serum uric acid in response to fructose . Nevertheless, lowering uric acid has also been found to block the development of hepatic steatosis in fructose-fed rats . Lowering uric acid also reduces hepatic steatosis in the desert gerbil , in alcoholic fatty liver , and in the Pound mouse . These studies supported the tight association of hyperuricemia with fatty liver; prospective studies have also reported that an elevated uric acid independently predicts the development of NAFLD .

What Scientists Still Dont Know About Diabetes Medication For Gout Prevention

Insulin is needed to convert glucose or sugar from the food we eat into energy. People with diabetic issues generally have no production of low production of insulin causing the sugar or glucose levels to stay in our blood stream. Twenty-one participants were randomly assigned to receive colchicine twice a day for 3 months and 19 participants received a placebo. The main focus of the study was how well insulin worked to clear sugar from the blood and the researchers also investigated changes in other metabolic variables and markers of inflammation. A new study evaluated colchicine, a drug used for gout treatment, to improve a complication of diabetes called metabolic syndrome. Studies have shown that vegetables high in purines, such as asparagus and spinach, don't increase the risk of gout or recurring gout attacks.

Is chocolate bad for gout?

Chocolate can lower uric acid crystallization, according to a 2018 study . Lowering uric acid crystallization can be key to controlling your gout. Chocolate has polyphenols associated with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Inflammation reduction is helpful in providing relief from a gout attack.

As for the protective association observed only in males rather than females, the sex difference between serum uric acid levels and serum insulin levels may be a reasonable explanation. On the one hand, studies have shown that serum uric acid levels are independently and closely related to the degree of insulin resistance [43–45], and this correlation was significantly stronger among women than men . Besides, since fasting serum insulin levels were significantly higher in both premenopausal and postmenopausal women with hyperuricemia than in men with hyperuricemia , sex hormones may also play a role. Therefore, we hypothesize that the protective association in males is likely to be the residual association after cancelling out the effect of insulin on the reabsorption of uric acid.

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As is true for many painful conditions, the first-line treatment for a gout attack is taking one of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , such as diclofenac, ibuprofen, or indomethacin. For people who can't take NSAIDs, a drug called colchicine is an alternative. It's been used for centuries — maybe even longer — specifically for gout.

gout and diabetes

Indeed, there is evidence that the loss of uricase may have provided a survival advantage to ancestral apes living in Europe in the mid-Miocene and therefore may have acted like a thrifty gene . The subsequent rise in sugar intake over the last centuries may have acted in concert with the loss of uricase to predispose us to obesity and diabetes . As mentioned, fructose increases intracellular and circulating uric acid levels due to increased nucleotide turnover and nucleotide synthesis. Initially the rise in serum uric acid is best shown shortly (30–60 min) after fructose ingestion , but total 24-h levels are also elevated . Intake of soft drinks is also associated with increasing risk for hyperuricemia .

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